Around four years ago I had several career coaching sessions with a jolly nice chap called Steve. We spent a few hours a month talking shop and one exercise was to write down my goals for the next few years. Steve believed that by taking the time to physically put pen to paper and scribe out my ambitions, I was more likely to achieve them.
I found the piece of paper a few weeks ago and am pleased to report that I had in fact succeeded in both the professional and personal goals I had set myself. Now Steve obviously didn’t wave a magic wand and I worked mighty hard to get promoted, however I do believe there is some truth in his advice to commit to goals in writing and have a good think about what it is you want to achieve.

Now my career has done a complete 180 and I find myself in a very different place to where I thought I was heading a couple of years ago. Since joining the Rock My Style team I have started doing things I had put off for months. Thanks to all the exercise motivation back in February I’m hanging out with Tracey Anderson a few times a week. When I wrote a post on Mary Berry I got carried away in the kitchen and whipped up my first cake in three years, and thanks to meeting our awesome baking and craft extraordinaire, Charlotte from Buttercream and Dreams I have been inspired to conquer my fear of the sewing machine.

For all you lovely readers, it would be a pretty boring blog if the RMS team weren’t trying out new things once in a while. There’s only so many posts we can do about Saturday night down our local pub. Also we have to be seen to be doing the things we set our mind to otherwise we realise you would lose faith in us. I have seen Charlotte’s kitchen cupboards and she definitely is clean eating!

Today I turn to these pages to write about the next thing I want to focus on. It’s nothing massively life changing but I’ve been putting off doing a new hobby for ages and I feel like putting this all over the internet will finally motivate me to get my arse in gear. I’m thinking of taking up calligraphy. (Sorry to everyone who thought I was going to say something positively crazy or exciting…) Ever since I commissioned Emily from Em Dash Paper Co to create a hand lettered custom anniversary card for James I have wanted to grab a nib and start sweeping my letters. I’m considering the Melissa Esplin online course but would love to hear any of your suggestions.

As we approach the half way point of 2014 (how the flipping heck did that happen?) have you thought about what you want to try out by the end of year? Are there any hobbies that you are dying to take up but have been putting off? Any career or personal goals you want to commit to? Come and drop a comment below and hopefully it will spur you in to action.
Who wants to blow their own trumpet and celebrate successes you’ve had so far this year? Any medal winners? Fear conquerers? Brand new skill acquirers? It’s time to pat yourselves on the back!