Happy New Year! I hope the commute back to work wasn’t too hellish and you’re feeling refreshed after the Christmas break.

Reflecting on Christmas, James and I aren’t big on exchanging presents however I was inspired by all the chat about advent calendars last year and so instead of one big present I surprised James with a daily gift. It sounds extravagant but let’s face it, chocolate money isn’t expensive. The gifts ranged from vouchers for a home-cooked dinner of his choice, a bag of his favourite coffee, a book recommended by my sister and on day 20, the jar of joy. A rather hastily put together, some may call it slap-dash, kilner jar inscribed with ‘joy’ across the front. (Not dissimilar to the jar sat next to Rebecca’s sink in one of our beautiful home tours from last year).
I’ve often toyed with the idea of having a gratitude journal and I think I’ve started one a few times but found it difficult to catalogue individual achievements. To be honest I go to bed so late at night that I’d rather get beneath the covers then spend 15 minutes running through my day. However a friend of mine does this on a daily basis and records all the things she’s appreciated from the last 24 hours whether it be as simple as clean sheets on a Sunday or as big as a promotion at work.

Looking back through other people’s annual Instagram highlights I wasn’t able to describe 2017 as my best yet, in fact far from it, I did however make slow progress chipping away at some long term goals. Looking forward to this year, I’d like 2018 to be the year I remember all the small things.

The joy jar is a place for us to scribble down joyous moments we’ve both shared or celebrated; hopefully memories, opportunities and achievements so we can look back at the end of December 2018 on what will hopefully be a better year than the last.

One thing that’s going into the 2018 jar is our home tour in Febuary’s edition of Ideal Home. It was shot back in April and I feel the house has changed so much since last spring, nevertheless I was very flattered to be asked to appear in one of my favourite interiors magazines and it’s great to see our house in print. Hello to anyone who has come over to Rock My Style as a result of seeing the article, you can see lots more of my home in the archives as well as my favourite room tour of our snug.

Hopefully 2018 will be a year filled full of joy, health and happiness for us all. Let’s make it a good one.

  • Kilner Jar
    Kilner Jar
  • Not On The High Street
  • Kikki K
    Kikki K
  • Oliver Bonas
    Oliver Bonas