It’s extraordinary, the amount of make-up I um…own. It’s no secret I love cosmetics and I like to discover new and amazing products that I then wear according to the occasion, my mood or time constraints.
Recently I’ve been reaching for the same eight items on a pretty much daily basis, I need products that I know will apply quickly, look natural yet polished, and not dry out my sensitive skin. I thought I’d share these current must-haves today, mainly because I want to know what YOU wear on your face for the majority of the time. If you could list them in the comments section below we can all have a make-up mega chat!
You will notice quite a few bits and bobs I’ve raved about before as well as a few items I may have kept on the down low. Sometimes I actually like folks to think I was in fact born with it. Pa ha hahaha.
Skin wise, after layering on the heavy duty moisturiser, I add a bit of Clinique Pore Refining Solutions to the cheek area near to my nose and any patches that look a tad un-refined as it were. I use shade “invisible light” which is colourless. I then sweep a big brush loaded with the glow-giving Guerlain Meteorites colour correcting balls over the top which you can read about here.
Estee Lauder Double Wear Brush On Glow can’t be beaten for reducing redness and covering under eye circles. If they ever discontinued this product I would actually cry.
For cheeks I use a peachy pink blush from Shu Uemura (apologies, it doesn’t have the exact shade reference written on the package) – it’s extremely sheer yet gives you a bit of the much coveted “One has just power walked for five miles to pick up this weeks organic produce!” type of look.
Talking of Shu Uemura, I use the magnificent eyeliner pen which I mentioned a few weeks ago, it creates a thin yet defined line in literally a jiffy. All over my lids and sometimes a swoosh underneath my lower lash line (great to make you look more awake when you feel anything but) I use Urban Decay eyeshadow in Blunt. A kind of pale gold. It glides on like silk and has a pleasing sheeny finish.
Lash wise I can’t get enough of Dolce & Gabbana Secret Eyes, which I’ve used on and off for years now. It’s not as “Wow” as my Max Factor Clump Defy, neither as feathery and bargainous as the Natural Collection Lash Length but it gives you a VERY clean and “is she wearing mascara?!” finish. Plus it’s very black. And doesn’t smudge. The brush is super soft and flexible too so you don’t have to be so precise when time is limited (also see – doesn’t hurt as much when you poke yourself in the eyeball)
For ease most days I reach for the Bobbi Brown lipgloss in Bright Pink that I mentioned in my September Beauty Haul, it’s moisturising and has enough colour to appear pretty yet not so much you can’t apply without a mirror.
So then, go on tell me (please? pretty please with cherries on top?) what make-up you are actually wearing RIGHT NOW. I would love to know.
I wear more or less the same every day, benefit’s Dandelion powder for subtle blush, the revlon creamy concealer that comes in a tube and the bargainous ‘back lash’ mascara by boots 17! And of course my fave lipsy, the revlon lip butter in candy apple – I’m really pale so it’s the perfect sheer red
Nicola, I very much like the sound of the candy apple. This is just the shade I’m after. Thank you! x
Love Dandelion! So pretty and subtle x
I am pale olive (is that a skin colour? It is now…) and use Bare Minerals Original Foundation – I love the way you can just scrunch the brush over your face and it doesn’t require precision, and it’s not too heavy for my how-come-I-have-spots-I’m-over-30 skin.
Underneath I use Benefit Lemon-aid on my eyelids and under-eyes, and on top I use MAC Opulash Optimum Black mascara (sounds like a Transformer) and Body Shop Sand By Me eyeshadow (creamy, essentially skin colour but a bit brighter).
Then some lip balm, good to go
Hi Ann-Marie! My sister raves about lemon aid, I must try it. I tend to use the Estée Lauder concealer as a base on my eyes x
Following your review of the Maxfactor mascara that’s a firm favourite. And your write up of the meteorite has lead to that been top of my christmas list!
My daily wear is Garnier BB cream (one of the cheapest but best I’ve used and the only thing that doesn’t cling to my dry skin), bobbi brown cream blush, bobbi brown gel eye liner in espresso, bobbi brown eye shadow in I think it’s called stone, chanel lipgloss or stick (colour varies), and bobbi brown concealer under the eyes. So I think I like bobbi brown…
Yay Anna! So glad you like the mascara! I LOVE Bobbi Brown
I also wear pretty much the same every day. Laura Mercier Tinted Moisturiser which seems to give a fab finish. Sometimes I change this out for Bobby Browns foundation powder in Light – Medium. Then Touche Eclat under the eyes and conceasler if needs be and then set with Laura Mercier finishing powder. For eyes I use Tom Ford’s Eye Defining Pen which is awesome. It has two ends for different lines. Then Maybelline One By One mascara. I’ve tried so many others and keep coming back to Maybelline mascara’s they just seem to work with my eyelashes. For conturing I use Mac’s Bronzing powder and then I add Mac Cream Blusher. Finally, thanks to Rock My Style, I now finish off with the beautiful Guerlain Meteorites which I love! I’ve got a range of glosses that I just pick oput of my handbag on my way out of the door, it’s pot luck whichever I grab.
Krysia! So glad the Guerlain was a hit! I’ve never heard of this mascara, will have to take a look x
Ooooo fab post. I love a good nosey in other people’s makeup bags!
So today is a working day and I always wear the same products which takes me a total of 8 minutes to apply!:
– MAC strobe cream as a primer – all over
– MAC BB cream all over
– MAC Mineral powder finish – just a little bit all over with a huge brush to take away the shine and even out skin tone
– Bourjois eye shadow – the lightest shade in the brown smoky eyes pallet roughly spread all over my peepers
– MAC eye shadow in Cork in my crease line for a bit of depth – done v.quickly with a fab big soft eye shadow brush – on a going out day I also use this eye shadow to fill my brows, but that’s too much effort for work!
– Bobbi brown eyeliner in Black Coffee to line top eyelid and then smudge in a bit with the spongy end of the pencil
– MAX Factor Clump defy extensions mascara (I apply this and then dry it upwards on the cool setting of my powerful Parlux hairdryer – I know that’s weird but the blast of air ‘sets’ my lashes into a really nice, fluttery, open eye effect.)
– Bobbi brown blusher in Coral (although I am currently on the hunt for a more wintery replacement for this as its very bright and summery)
– Bit of Carmex lip balm on the lips
– Rush downstairs, grab hand bag and work back
– Jump in car and immediately start to rummage in handbag for MAC flamingo lipstick which I apply as I am driving down the school (I’m a teacher) drive!
On my Christmas list are the magic balls to add to this regime – I cant wait to get my mits on them! x
Georgina what a fab look! 8 minutes is super impressive. I can do mine in 12 at best (I’ve timed!!) interesting you use strobe all over, I’ve never tried it, only to highlight. Does it stay on well/not go all shiny? x
Oooh, I love this post!
I’m a complete MAC girl… starting with their BB Creme in Medium Plus (which is truly amazing BTW), a slick of their Select Cover-Up (NW20 I think), Pro Longwear Paint Pot in Perky (perfect coral colour which, well, makes you look perky!), Fluid Line in Dipdown (top & bottom line – bottom smudged for a slightly smoky look), eyebrows accentuated with a slanted brush & a matt eyeshadow in Corduroy, all finished off with a big brush of Mineralise in Medium and a smudge of Cremeblend Blush in Something Special on my cheeks. Oh not to forget a sweep of Zoom Lash in Black and just some good ol’ Vaseline on my lips!!
I do sometimes think I should venture out to other brands but I think we tend to stick with what we know most of the time! I love the look of your GUERLAIN Météorites & I’ve had Bobbi Brown lip glosses in the past so maybe when it’s time to repurchase I’ll be brave and stray from MAC a little!
Mel I think I need to try this MAC BB cream, everyone is raving about it!!!! I get totally taken in by every limited edition launch. VERY bad for my bank balance x
I wear full mac foundation everyday but am looking to change to a cc/bb/tinted moisturiser as my skin cant seem to hack how heavy the foundation is everyday. My skin is mega sensitive. I’ve tried clinque cc but its a tad too shiny on me. I need something to even skin tone as I’m a tad read across my cheeks. I’m also looking to ditch my daily mascara as they’ve re branded it and its now just crap! It needs to be waterproof/smudgeproof and mega curling as I’ve got short lashes. HELP can you tell I’m sick of my daily go to??
I just posted below about the BB cream from estee lauder – I absolutely adore it and would recommend getting a sample if you are able ( so much lighter than the double wear foundation i used to wear)
Hi Clare, you should try By Terry Cover Expert – it’s marketed as a foundation but feels more like a tinted moisuriser on the skin. It has great coverage and my usually shiny nose cannot defeat it! I get mine at Space NK.
Clare have you tried the Shu Uemura natural mascara? Natural and makes you lashes stay curled, totes smudge proof x
Just looked at the mascara… eeek quite expensive :S but sounds amazeballs. Where can I get it? Thanks gals knew you all would be able to help. Where’s the best place to blag some samples of these BBs?x
John Lewis really good at samples. Shu is expensive but lasts ages. Urban Decay Cannonball also supposed to be good at curling and waterproof. They sell both at Selfridges xx
Morning Everyone!
Certainly going to hunt out some clique pore stuff and the colour correcting thingys this weekend – sounds exactly what i need; are both good for combination skin?!?
I use my ultraceuticals sunscreen, before applying estee lauder BB cream ( used to use double wear, but find the BB cream SO much nicer!) then use some esteem lauder powder to give a matt finish.
Blusher, i have two i am using at the mo, both Mac – fun ending (yes really!) and seduced at sea – love them both.
Eyes – a clarins kohl pencil in brown, and YSL mascara (also touche eclait if not much sleep was achieved – thanks Tilly ;))
Lips – always Mac ‘giddy’ – My most favourite lippy ever!
Jess what shade is Giddy?! I have a few MAC blushes, they stay on so well x
Do you happen to know if the EL BB cream good for oily skin? I love double wear light and its great for staying put but it IS a bit heavy for everyday and was thinking about trying the BB cream instead
I have got to the point in life now where I *wish* I had better make up knowledge and the ability to apply it! Right now I am sat with last night’s vaseline still under eye wishing I had some miracle product to smooth over my tired skin to perk me up!
I feel this post is going to be VERY useful!
Gemma, try the BB glow for the under eye! It’s lush x
Clinique Pore Refining Solutions is an essential for me too! Wear it every single day on my nose and forehead. I don’t wear foundation unless it’s a special occasion and then I use Bare Minerals. I used to always buy Touché Éclat for under my eyes but one day I ran out and my friend at work told me to buy the Collection 2000 version from superdrug which is about £4 or something, I thought it would be rubbish but I was skint so tried it and I’ve never gone back to Touché Éclat!! Also use a powder blusher by No 7, a nudey colour eyeshadow by Bobbi Brown which is very matt and just gives a nice ‘tidy’ look. My essential eyeliner that I’ve been using for years and always go back to is the Clinique Cream Shaper. I usually have a few colours on the go, at the moment I have a dark purpley shade and a bronzey colour. It’s nice to have a change from black! So quick to put on. For nights out though I love Loreal Superliner. I used to spend a fortune on an array of Lancôme and Clinique mascaras but a few months ago I went to Boots to buy the Natural Collection one you recommended but sadly my local Boots didn’t have it so I ended up buying Maybelline Great Lash and I love it! Still intend to try the Natural Collection one though….
Hi Sarah, not tried the Clinique shaper, sounds lush! Great Lash is always raved about in the media, as is the Collection concealer – must try this for £4! x
Most things in my make up bag change depending on season/my mood but I love the touche éclat foundation…it gives you such a gorgeous healthy glowy look. My skin went dry, flaky and was generally uncooperative when I fell pregnant (I thought you were supposed to bloom?!) so I switched to bourjois healthy mix serum foundation and that’s lovely too. I use collection’s but fab concealer to hide my awful eye bags and can’t live without bobbi brown’s lipstick in pale mauve. Can’t wait to try your mascara recommendations Charlotte!
Do Laura! And let us know how you get on!
I have Pale Mauve, it’s one of those lip colours that is so easy to wear. I must remember to wear it more often x
Love a make up post! I pretty much (as most do) wear the same thing every day.
Bobbi Brown colour corrector and concealer palette followed by Lancome Teint Idole 24hr (which really is 24 hr) and either Bobbi Brown Light Bronzer or a Lancome one (cant remember which shade).
Then either Bobbi Brown Pale Pink blusher or a Lancome blusher (again, cant remember which it was a freebie as I spend so much there!).
Eyes wise I do Bobbi Brown Sand Dollar Longwear Eyecream shadow or Lancome la base paupieres pro; a bit of an eyelash curl then a slick of Lancome Hypnose mascara, Natural collection long lash or Bobbi Brown glamour lengthening…
Then a dash of Elizabeth Arden 8 hour creme to sort my lips out and as i’m pulling into work Clinique chubby stick – whichever shade (watermelon or strawberry) is floating around in my bag.
For night it is exactly the same but a Bobbi Brown lip pencil and lippy and a Smashbox eyeliner in greeny goldy sparkles.
Bit of theme here isn’t there!
Greeny Gold sparkles?! This sounds excellent! I’ve just been on a shoot where the MUA used chubby sticks on our model, they were gorgeous! The raspberry pink especially x
I have combination skin – shiny nose and a little bit on the forehead and dry-ish everywhere else. I am always on a mission to find my foundation holy grail! At the moment I use:
Laura Mercier primer
Either Estee Lauder double wear light or currently gone back to my MAC Studio Fix
Cheap but very good concealer for my very dark under eyes – Collection 2000 concealer mixed with a little of the MAC Studio Fix concealer
Collection 2000 liquid eyeliner – the one with the pot and felt tip nib brush
Max Factor Clump Defy Extensions Mascara
Nars blush in ‘orgasm’
Urban Decay de-slick fixing spray
Laura Mercier setting powder in translucent
And various lip balms/crayon/tints I find throughout the day!
Phew – that sounds like a lot on my face, I promise I don’t look like a drag queen!!!!
Jenna I’m sure you don’t look like a drag queen! My sister has combination skin and swears by Guerlain foundations and the primer with the gold bits in. Expensive but each last her 6 months x
I have always toyed with other make up brands but always, always, always find myself returning to YSL. So much so that I don’t know why I bother with other brands as they never quite measure up…and I’ve also found that befriending the YSL ladies mean they’re happy to do my weekend make up whenever, even if I’m not buying something that day, because they know I’ll come back. It does help living five minutes from Selfridges though…
So, everything here is YSL:
– Touche eclat
– Touche eclat ink foundation, shade B50 (I use BD50 in the summer when I have a tad more colour!)
– Bronzing poweder
– Blush Radiance (shade 2) which has been discountinued but the new shades come out Boxing Day!
– Golden Lustre Lipstick (shade 109) – a serious peach thing going on here
– Gloss volupte shade 204 over the top of the above
– Eyeliner
– Babydoll and False Lash Mascara (so northern, I do a few coats of each!)
And, I tell a lie…there is one beauty product I go else where for…
Benefit Browzings…amazing!
Isn’t it funny how different brands work for different folks? I don’t really use anything YSL although the texture of their Couture lipsticks is amazing, I wore shade 10 for years until I got pregnant and my skin went even more sallow (!)
When I go out I totally layer the mascara, combing I between each coat x
At the mo, I’m addicted to the following:
Clinique quickliner – I adore the soap & glory eyeliner (recommended by you – thanks!) but I tend to use that for evenings/events. This quickliner is amazing for work because it’s really smooth and easy to apply but ALSO it literally does not budge (I find lots of pencil eyeliners tend to – but this isn’t a proper pencil one it’s more creamy).
Mac blusher – I’m quite tanned so pinkish blushers don’t work on me but they’ve got a couple of yellow/orange based coral shades that are awesome. This is the first blusher I’ve got that doesn’t make me look like a clown.
Natural Collection eyeshadow – I’ve got one of their solo eyeshadows in brown, which I *love* as it’s really natural but has just a hint of sparkle in it.
No7 brow and lash gel – I have this weird thing about my eyebrows so I always put some brow gel (it’s clear) just to keep them in their place.
Maybelline Baby Lips – love this stuff – lip balm but with a nice colour
Dior lip glow color reviver balm – this stuff is a godsend in the winter, it’s a colourless lippy but I find it really protects my lips (they’re prone to flaking) while also looking really glowey and moist. It’s expensive but worth it.
I don’t like/wear foundation or anything all over my face but I’m def in the market for a good highlighter/concealer. Going to check out the Estee Lauder On Glow, looks fab!
Kate the CD colour reviver is lovely, I have the balm, have you tried the gloss maximiser thing?! Apparently it’s amazing!!!! x
Ooh yes, the gloss maximiser is amazing. My Mum buys loads of these things and the gloss was the ONLY thing she wouldn’t let me pinch so I knew it was extra-special! May need to go and buy it for myself. x
Gosh really?! I need some now too! x
Currently am wearing the following: Laura Geller primer, Laura Geller Balance and Brighten foundation, YSL Baby Doll mascara (this is amazing and beats anything I have previously tried – my lashes look SO long) and clinique pressed blusher in the shade bashful blush.
Eyebrows are sporting a MAC brow pencil in Ash.
When I don’t wear glasses to work I also wear a MAC eyeshadow in the shade nude.
Alas I also forgot – Touch E’clait also under the eyes to cover up the dark circles.
Emma what is Laura Gellar?! And where does one buy it?
Love a nosey through make up bags!
Daily I use clinique CC Cream although now seems to be making me very shiny so I may return to the body shop BB cream which I adored for many years before changing to clinique (after looking through a friends make up bag!) also can I recommend the body shop concealer, I was a touche eclat fan until I tried this, it’s just as good and half the price!
Mascara, day time is maybelline false lashes, I know others have panda eye issues with this but it’s always worked really well for me. If I’m going out its YSL baby doll mascara – after years of trying to find THE perfect mascara this is the only one that has come close. I would have to have a period of mourning if I was unable to buy this. (Sometime I buy 2 at a time just in case!)
Daytime eyeshadow is another body shop buy, pink crush pearlescent. Subtle enough for work, rimmed black kohl along my eye followed by a tiny sweep of above eyeshadow, for the awake look.
Blush for me is always bronzing balls. I am lucky enough to have medium olive skin, I love the No 7 perfectly bronzed bronzing pearls.
Lips, I have millions of body shop pale pink glosses. I don’t know the names of them as they have been floating around in my make up bag! But I always seem to pick up a gloss whenever I am in the body shop. They are very moisturising and actually stay on my lips for longer than 5 minutes!
I have a whole other make up bag for going out but that’s daytime!
Lucy, the Body Shop is somewhere I forget sells make up. Don’t know why. I love their coconut butter so should definitely have a look next time I go in x
It’s a recent rediscovery for me, but I’ve found some excellent products in there of late. Online is good too they often have Flash sales!
I wear pretty much the same everyday.
MAC mineralize liquid foundation in NC15 followed by their Studio Fix concealer. Then I dust their Mineralize Skinfinish in light over the top.
Rimmel stay blushed in Pop of Pink on my cheeks (it’s a cream blush).
Then on my eyes I use Rimmel eyeshadow in Smokey Quartz, their kohl liner in black followed by Maybelline Colossal volum’ express mascara in 100% black. To finish I do my brows in MAC’s retractable pencil in Spiked.
I’m rubbish with lip stuff, so I tend to use Kiehl’s mango lip balm as a bit of a gloss, unless I’m going somewhere fancy then I root out a lipstick.
Alex does the Rimmel blush not go patchy? I can never put it on quite right. Do you apply after or before the powder? x
I meant to say, I can never get cream blushers to go right x
I haven’t found it goes patchy, I find a little goes a long way though. I put it on after my powder as I have to ‘set’ my foundation before applying anything else. I do have a MAC powder blush as well, that I use every now and again, I just like the dewy-ness of the cream.
Thanks Alex, I might have to give it a go, I tried one recently that kind of “dragged” across my face over powder and looked odd. it may just have been the particular one I bought though x
Hey Charlotte. I find with cream blushers a patting or dabbing motion works best. I tend to use the Boujoirs ones (really tiny pot and a mirror included-score!).
Hope this helps! Haf xx
Thanks so much Haf! Will give that method a go x
my turn!
no 7 bb cream – so bendable and moisturising for those harsh drying winter days. Mac cream blush in Sweet William. No 7 illuminating concealer (touche eclat knock off). no 7 eyebrow pencil im black. Benefit bad gal eyeliner. chanel eyeshadow palette can’t remember shade but there is a pearly pink, coral and 2 browns. estee lauder Sumptuous mascara and estee lauder lippy in Desirable – a RMS recommendation.
Yay! Love hearing about RMS recommendations Kathryn! Gorgeous lipstick, texture and colour x
Right now I@m all about Clarins Flash Beauty Balm followed by Clinique Even Better foundation! I use YSL Touche Eclat for under eyes and I’ve used No. 7 concealer for I think about 20 years now – it’s the best! I also went with your Max Factor mascara recommendation and love it. I bought Chanel Joules Contraste in 82 Reflex blusher last summer, have worn it every day and it’s still going strong
For a nice subtle pop of colour I’m loving Cinique Chubby Tint in Budding Blossom.
These are my favourite posts…. well apart from the ones about clothes … oh and the property ones! Ha!
The MF mascara is amaze! And this budding blossom sounds lovely…. I love these posts too only they work out VERY expensive for me!!! x
Love a bit of make-up chat.
I’m not wearing much on my mug at the moment, being 7 months preggers I’d much rather have an extra 15 minutes in bed that do my face most mornings! The below makes me presentable in under 10 mins:
MAC Strobe Cream all over
La Roche Posay Hydreane BB Cream (if I’m feeling a bit dry) or La Roche-Posay Anthelios Compact (it’s SPF 50+ people!!)
Daniel Sandler Watercolour Blush in Cherub on the cheeks
A couple of colours from the Urban Decay Naked Basics pallet smooshed on the lids
Max Factor False Lash Effect on the lashes
MAC Brun on the brows
And either Tom Ford Spanish Pink layered with Chanel Lipgloss in Sonate or Collection 2000 Lip Butter in Perfect Plum on the lips.
Job done!
Another strobe ‘all over’ wearer, I think I may have to give it a whirl. Also loving Chanel lipgloss, have you tried the new Allure ones?! Oh my goodness, they are just perfect x
The husband travels to T5 for work a lot and usually picks me up a Chanel lip gloss as a treat. So many lip glosses so little time!
LOVE makeup posts

I’m currently wearing a mix of No 7 stay perfect (i think) and No 7 bb cream. I don’t like either of them on their own (they separate and slide off) but mixed they seem to be a bit better. Not perfect though so need something new for my oily dermis
Alternate between a MAC vera wang limited edition pinky blush and a new cid peachy one with some shimmer in it and maybelline and bare minerals mascara (the BM mascara was a freebie and I love it for natural looking lashes).
Lips depend on what I’m wearing, I just bought MAC rebel and am loving it (its a really nice purple-y shade, quite intense but you can wear it as a sort of stain to ease you in!)
Claire have you ever tried a powder foundation? there are lots of good ones around at the mo, BB is more “dry” but natural coverage and Chanel do a mineral powder that is more dewy. They may not slide as much as a liquid product.
How did I miss out on Vera Wang?!
Sorry – by BB I meant Bobbi Brown x
I used to use the bare minerals one and loved it but then they changed the formulation and it just didn’t work for me any more, must check out your recommendations though (lovely lovely make up shopping!)
The VW was absolutely ages ago and I am going to be so gutted when my blusher runs out because its the perfect, just been for a brisk walk pink colour. Ruddy special editions!
I always think this when I read your beauty hauls – I tend to wear the same things every day and rarely stray which I think makes me seem a bit dull. But I shall reveal them nontheless!
– Estee Lauder Double Wear light – perfect foundation for my combination skin
– Bobbi Brown blusher in nude peach – amazing natural peachy shade
– Bobbi Brown shimmer pallette in bronze – brushed lightly over the area where my cheekbones should reside..
– Bobbi Brown eyebrow pencil in Mahogany
– MAC eyeshadows in bisque and tempting – a perfect nude base and then a really intense shimmering copper colour that looks very good with my green eyes I think
– L’Oreal mascara – I can’t even remember which one it is but I have been keeping an eye out for a new one and I am 100% going to try this Max Factor one you’ve all been banging on about!
Jennifer there is nothing boring about having already discovered the perfect products that work for you. You must give MF a try, there seems to be lots of readers on this thread that use it too x
I’ve given up with foundation and even BB cream and opted for a tinted moisturiser instead. I’ve never gone for the ‘high-end’ stuff, aside from a whole ton of MAC goodies for my wedding (most of which have sadly run out now).
Anyway, I use Natural Collection Tinted Moisturiser (Natural shade I think…) Also NC LashCurl mascara. And my still-going strong MAC pencil eyeliner in a dark brown (can’t remember the exact shade).
I used to just plump for full on black liner but I haven’t looked back since switching to the above.
I occasionally roll out blusher and bronzer but only when I’m going out. And I love a gold/cream eyelid (although I tend to forget I’m wearing any and accidentally rub it off!)
I also think my 3-product regime (if you can even call it that!) basically comes down to laziness…!
Jo, I have a three product tutorial planned in the next few weeks! it’s not lazy, it’s time-saving! x
Hi Charlotte, not sure if you’re still checking this thread but just incase…where is the tres chic make up bag from? Would be perfect for a friends birthday present! x
Haven’t been on RMS for a week, missed the daily fix, and have LOVED reading this post. I now have tons of things on my ‘christmaspresentsformyself’ list – oops. xx
Sian, I found the bag:
Thanks Sarah! Charlotte kindly emailed me to tell me too. Everyone’s very nice round here! A lot of the items on the post have also found their way on my Christmas list
[…] was loving the #FOTD chat that went on last week, so many new things for my Christmas list! Do let me know if you are going […]
I tried the shimmery balls at the Guerlain counter, but they just made me look like I’d rubbed glitter all over my face, and not natural at all :(. Is there a tip to avoid the disco ball look? The balls I tried were the ‘Christmas’ limited edition ones. Also, i read the Bobbi Brown now does a shimmer finishing powder (similar to shimmer bricks, but more subtle)that is similar in effect to Les Meteorites. Does anyone know if it’s less ‘sparkly’ and more glow-giving?
Actually, I just bought these after a consultation with another Guerlain lady in John Lewis (luckily I had a gift voucher!). She advised me to take the number 03 Medium even though I am fair, as they had less sparkle in than 02 Clair. It looks incredible on and even brightens up dull mineral powder for when I need a bit of extra coverage. In case anyone else is curious about the Bobbi Brown Brightening powder, I tried both products on different sides of my face and the BB one is very sparkly and probably not great for every day. The Guerlain one just makes the skin look luminous and glowy. Thanks for the recommendation, am addicted!