Go on, admit it. We’ve all got our favourite Christmas presents of all time. Be it something über luxe, like an engagement ring or other special piece of jewellery, or something sentimental, like a handprint calendar or family portrait drawn by a little one. 

For me personally, I will never forget the Christmas a couple of years ago when Rich absolutely nailed it with his prezzies. He bought me a pair of black suede Topshop heels which fit perfectly and which I still rely upon to this day. And a smart, wool, stone-coloured Topshop jacket which flared out at the bottom – I guess you’d call it skater style – not a shade or shape I had ever considered but again, it fit me perfectly and I just loved it. I massively appreciated the thought that had gone into the choices (I find it so hard buying clothes for other people, particularly girls) and was thrilled to have some new threads for New Year’s Eve. 

And as for worst presents, when I was fifteen years old, my Dad gave me a £20 M&S gift voucher. Now this is a present I’d love to receive now I’m in my thirties – I would happily bash that cash on a cushion or lingerie or the Mrs Claus dress (one of my friends wore it to a wedding and she looked blimming gorgeous) – but when I was a teenager I just saw Marks as my gran’s go-to destination for cardies*. I think my thirteen year old brother appreciated his M&S voucher even less.

As for the other members of Team Rock My …


Both of my best and worst EVER Christmas presents come from Matt, funnily enough. One Christmas he bought me a Joseph Joseph storage caddy for washing up liquid, sponges, brushes etc. It’s green for starters and it didn’t even match our kitchen colour palette. Enough said. BUT the year before that he did buy me a huge pile of wedding books, which essentially was him saying that he supported my decision to pursue a job in the wedding industry. Prior to that everyone had just laughed at me when I told them I wasn’t going to be a Solicitor following my degree, but that weddings were where my heart lay, so having his belief in me meant the world.


If we’re being completely sentimental then I’d say my best Christmas present arrived a little early when I was nearly eight years old. My baby sister Imogen was born on 20th December one snowy Winter many years ago and Christmas literally did come early. I was besotted with her from the off with her cutesy face, big blue/green eyes and a mop of dark hair that eventually turned blonde as she grew older. A veritable real life doll for a very special Christmas.

Staying on the baby theme, I can remember as if it was yesterday waking up on Christmas Eve in the middle of the night when Father Christmas had been. At the bottom of my bed was a Tiny Tears doll, left unwrapped but lovingly placed for me to find. I can still feel the same glee even now as I found her and hugged myself in excitement. When I mentioned it to my mum recently she said that I hadn’t even asked for the present so she was surprised that I loved it as much as I did. Mums really do know best don’t they…

As for my worst Christmas present? I’ve never really had a bad Christmas present; after all everyone really tries in their endeavours to get something for the people they love don’t they. For me the saying that ‘it’s the thought that counts’ is so true. Perhaps the worst Christmas was last year when Ste and I chose not to get something for each other in order to save money for the house…I think we would have both liked a little something to open in reality. We’ll be making sure that there’ll be gifts for sure this year.


My best ever present was my Fisher Price desk which included a stamp pad and sellotape dispenser. I felt like all my Christmasses had come at once. I’m far too polite to mention the worst ones.


The best present I’ve ever received for Christmas is an amethyst ring from Rob. It was our first Christmas together (17 years ago) and we’d only been seeing each other for a couple of months, so I wasn’t really expecting a lot; if anything. It was the best because of the sentiment and thoughtful gesture behind it. Amethyst is my birthstone and he’d obviously gone to great lengths to check my size as it fit perfectly. Rob and I don’t really buy presents for each other anymore, we like to spend our money on the kiddies, but every now and again he’ll surprise me with a little something, and however big or small the present is, it is always the thought that makes me feel all fuzzy inside.


Probably my worst present ever was some frilly tennis knickers my gran once gave me. I was 8 and they were a size 16. Plus I didn’t play tennis!

Have you got a favourite present (given or received) of all time? Or worst for that matter?!

*If you are reading this Dad, I’m sorry to sound ungrateful and any future M&S vouchers would be welcomed with open arms.

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