If you’ve read any of my posts before then you may have gathered that I love a bargain. The 25% off event at Tu in Sainsbury’s? I’m THERE. Bargain Corner in Ikea? Apart from the Daim bars, it’s my favourite bit. The Topshop Christmas sales that used to start on Boxing Day but are now online from Christmas Eve? Yesss, Happy Christmas me!

And you may have noticed that I also like a little splurge/save post. I’ve previously blogged about interiors (click here to find all my Scandi finds, industrial-look bargains, and modern classic picks), and last week I was raving about all the garden furniture bargains to be had (still loving my Cox and Cox chairs). But never have I done a splurge/save on FASHION. However with all the beaut new pieces hitting the shops for autumn, I thought it’d be rude not to…

The Autumn Must-Have #1 {The Pillar Box Red Jacket}

If you want to get your money’s worth from a winter jacket then you should probably start looking now. At £59 I reckon this M&S one is an excellent price point…I spotted it in store last week and can confirm that it looks and feels even nicer and snugglier in real life.

  • Hush Anya Coat £170
  • M&S Double Breasted Coat £59

The Autumn Must-Have #2 {The Leopard Print Blouse}

The Mango one – so pretty! But the H&M one – such a bargain! The Mango one is sheer so I’d be popping a black cami underneath – but if you’re a skinny Minnie then you can probably get away without.

  • Mango Blouse £29.99
  • H&M Blouse £14.99

The Autumn Must-Have #3 {The Breton}

H&M have got some brilliant pieces for next to nothing at the mo. This Breton is a dead ringer for the epic & Other Stories stripy tops, but at £6.99 it’s nearly a quarter of the price. I’ve just ordered the cherry version (will report back) but love the look of the yellow colour-pop too.

  • & Other Stories Breton £27
  • H&M Breton £6.99

The Autumn Must-Have #4 {The Slogan Tee}

Topshop’s New York tee was such a bargain (£12) and sold out so quickly that it’s no wonder they have released a Paris version and a Tokyo version. The little skyline pics are so sweet that I’m tempted to buy them and turn them into some kind of framed art when they’ve been worn to death.

  • Topshop Paris Slogan Tee £12
  • Whistles Slogan Tee £49

The Autumn Must-Have #5 {The Shirt Dress}

The lovely Alice from RMW has her eye on this demure and elegant Topshop frock. It looks waaay more expensive than its £49.99 price tag. Hush are also killing it with their autumnal edit, and this vintage-influenced shirt dress is the perfect transitional piece.

  • Hush Yasmin Dress £99
  • Topshop Shirt Dress £49

The Autumn Must-Have #6 {The Slogan Sweat}

The Merci sweatshirt below looks tres Whistles, non? Well can you believe that it is in fact from Asda and is just £12.50. I know. Me neither.

  • Whistles Friday Sweatshirt, £79
  • Asda Merci Sweatshirt £12.50

The Autumn Must-Have #7 {The Grey Cardie}

‘Cos if you don’t have a grey cardie in your wardrobe I don’t think we can be friends. You just KNOW this White Stuff cardie is going to be excellent quality and oh-so-soft, and for a more purse-friendly option head to H&M.

  • White Stuff Silver-Grey Cardigan, £59.95
  • H&M Fine-Knit Cardigan £29.99

The Autumn Must-Have #8 {The Leopardprint Jacket}

I love, love, LOVE the cocoon shape of this jacket (and obvs the leopard print) and was hoping to try it on when I popped into the London & Other Stories last week. Sadly they didn’t seem to have any on the shop floor and my four-year-old shopping companion was desperate to get to Hamleys so I’m going to have to carry on perving at it online instead. Or maybe I’ll just treat myself to this one from Next which is half the price and nearly as nice.

  • & Other Stories Wool Blend Coat £155
  • Next Animal Print Coat £75

Are you excited for autumn and all the cosiness and cashmere that it brings? Or are you holding out for an Indian summer?