Alexa Chung is a girl after my own heart. Firstly, she rocks a dungaree dress and a tea dress. Secondly, if the Metro is to be believed, then it looks like she’s back with Alex Turner, frontman of one of my all-time favourite groups. And thirdly, she wears Uggs. Yes, you read that right. The model, designer, muse behind the Mulberry bag, and author of one of the most instagrammed coffee table books EVER, names Uggs as her footwear of choice.

I’ve got to admit I’ve got a strange love/hate relationship with Uggs. When I was putting together the inspiration gallery below it did cross my mind that a lot of the outfits might look better with different shoes or boots. I can totally see that they’re inelegant, clunky and clumpy. But then at 8.35am, when I’m rushing to get out of the door to walk Lyra to school, and I can’t bear to think of that cold English air nipping at my ankles, I always end up reaching for my Uggs. I guess I’ve reached an age where I value comfort as much as style. Don’t get me wrong… I would NEVER wear them on a night out or to work. But for the school run or the weekly shop there’s nothing better or easier than throwing on a pair of jeans, a parka and the snuggliest boots in the world.

My fascination with Uggs first started with that picture of Sienna Miller wearing a pair, with the tops folded down, at Glastonbury. She may have teamed them with neon green sunglasses and one of those silly studded disc belts, but everyone can make mistakes right? (I mock, but I loved my Dotty Ps disc belt).

And then my love affair with Uggs truly took off when Rich bought me my first pair whilst we were backpacking up the east coast of Australia (when in Australia and all that). They were from a nondescript little shoe shop in Byron Bay, and looking back now, I have a sneaking suspicion that they may have been counterfeit, but at the time I treasured them. They didn’t get much wear until we got home, but when we did get home I wore them to death.

But anyway. On to the commandments.

1. Thou shalt keep the rest of your outfit simple.
2. Thou shalt never wear Uggs with a mini skirt. (Unless you’re Sienna).
3. Thou shalt never wear Uggs in the summer. (Unless you’re Sienna).
4. Thou shalt never wear Uggs at a British festival. (Unless you’re Sienna).
5. Thou shalt opt for the minis or a dark hue for an understated look.
6. Thou shalt never wear Uggs with a tracksuit.
7. Thou shalt stop wearing them when you’ve worn them so much that the inner part has collapsed and you’re shuffling around in them.
8. Thou shalt wear long socks with them. Ankle socks will end up rolled around your toes.
9. Thou shalt never let thine boyfriend/husband wear them.
10. If Alexa says they’re acceptable, then they’re acceptable.

I’m genuinely intrigued to know. Are you a lover or a hater? Or are you having a secret love affair and only wearing them indoors as slippers?

  • Classic Mini Uggs
  • Classic Leather Uggs
  • Scuffette Slippers
  • Niels Black Uggs
  • Bonham Ankle Boots
  • Niels Brown Uggs