I’ve been feeling uncharacteristically out of sorts all day. I slept badly and my head is foggy as a result. A sniffle has turned into a full-on cold. My to-do list feels overwhelming. Even the weather seems to be against me. Every time I step out of the house it starts raining. No one really bad thing and most days I would simply shrug them off, but today, combined, they have left me struggling to smile.

It’s on days like these that we need to look a little harder for happiness, even though probably things are not really any different from yesterday when we were perfectly happy, or tomorrow when we will most likely be happy again. In order to find a little chink of happiness in this otherwise grey day, I’ve decided that today’s the day I’m going to join the #100DaysHappy challenge.

Perhaps you’ve seen the #100DaysHappy hashtag on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter? Maybe you’ve already started the #100DaysHappy challenge? Or, quite possibly, you’ve already got 100 days of happiness under your belt and you’re wondering what took me so long (I am somewhat late to the party).

If you have no clue what I’m talking about, the idea behind 100 Happy Days is that our increasingly busy lives are stopping us from enjoying happy moments thoughout the day and that, by making an effort to notice what has made us happy every day, we will start to appreciate our lives more and in turn become happier. Sounds good, right?!

All you have to do is register at the website and then post a picture of what made you happy every day for 100 days, tagging it #100HappyDays or creating your own happy hashtag. You can share your photographs on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter, or email them to the 100 Happy Days website if social media’s not your thing. Apparently 71% of people tried and failed to complete the challenge, blaming lack of time. No time to be happy? How terribly sad.

I figure that by telling you all that I’m taking the #100DaysHappy challenge I’ll be extra-motivated to keep going, even if I have a not-so happy day. I’ll be posting my pictures on Instagram here. I’m excited to see what makes me happy over the coming months. In fact I’m feeling happier already. Yay!

Have you taken the #100DaysHappy challenge? How’s it going? Were you surprised to discover what made you happy? Any tips for continuing when you have a bad day? Inspired to join me on my #100DaysHappy journey? Leave a comment below!