There are some things in life that I firmly believe you should invest in. Actually, they’ll be a post coming up in the not too distant future on this very topic, however, I also have to admit to my guilty pleasure of bargain-basement shopping.

The 99p store, Wilko and Aldi are just a few or my favourites. I am incapable of passing one of these stores without nipping in to see what wares are available.

The lure of the cheapie shop started well before the recession as I have always loved a bargain. When someone compliments me on a recent clothing purchase I find myself compelled to respond with the price, “£10, Primark,” when it would be far more normal to just say, “Thank you”.

After spending an inordinate amount of time searching Etsy for a new kit bag to store all my ribbons, clips, scissors and excessive amount of mini pegs, I found myself in the 99p store. I now own a very smart, polka-dot number and still have change from a pound. Awesome.

Wilkinson’s stationery department has served me exceptionally well over the years. Where else would you pick up cute sticky notes and heart-shaped paper clips for pocket-money prices?

Then there’s Aldi and Lidl. You can’t move in my Mum’s local Aldi for Barbour-clad people who have parked in the Sainsbury’s opposite to do part of their weekly shop and then dashed across to Aldi for the bargains. Their trolleys are laden with budget Prosecco, anti-ageing cream and £3 floral bouquets, and I’m right behind them with my basket full of salmon en croute, antipasti delicacies and facial wipes.

The days of visiting Primark and loading up my basket with things I don’t need are firmly behind me. Too many times I went into a drawer and realised that I had a top that didn’t really fit that had been purchased because it was only a few quid. Now I just prefer to buy the things I need for the best price (and quality) that I can. Admittedly my job means I do need to have a cupboard stocked full of props, so I can justify the need to buy up the whole of Home Bargain’s party section.

I know I am not alone in my penchant for purse-pinching so please share your favourite shops to grab a bargain. What’s been your biggest saving and where do you proudly declare that your low-cost wares are from?