The first trimester has been and gone and I’ve safely made it to almost the end of the second trimester. I am so bloody grateful for this. I’ve always found the build up to the first two scans to be fraught with worry but thankfully, so far, so good. The baby is the size of an aubergine, according to my Ovia App, but for 24 weeks I am a very large woman. I’ve had three strangers ask me already “Aw, how long have you got left?” When I replied 4 months, they either gasped or tried (and failed) not to look completely shocked.
One of these occasions occurred on a shopping outing whilst I tried in vain to find clothes that didn’t make me feel like a whale. I’m a rather thick-skinned girl and can turn jibes into banter with the best of them. But I admit to feeling a little bit disheartened everytime someone mentions my size. The fact that my bosoms have exploded from a DD to a G cup also does not help.
At my 22 week scan, the baby was measuring beautifully normal, but the ultrasound lady did mention that having an anterior placenta (it’s basically stuck to the front of my belly behind my belly button) contributes to me ‘presenting rather large for my gestation’.
Size aside, I’ve been feeling largely blissed out this trimester. I’ve enjoyed feeling the flutters turn into full-on kicks and loved watching Gavin and Ethan’s faces as they felt the baby kick for the first time. Ethan is coping remarkably well so far, taking time each day to talk to my belly and coming out with a sincere “Awwww it’s so tiny and cute!” when I show him clothes we’re buying in for the new baby.
Preparation-wise, we’ve been ridiculously relaxed. Perhaps too relaxed. I have a grand total of four items of clothing gathered in and haven’t even entertained a list of other bits we’ll need yet. It’s something I’d like to begin this week to avoid having to panic buy the likes of a car seat and breast pads as the due date sneaks up on us.
There have been a few less than glamorous second trimester experiences that are perhaps worth sharing. I warn you that some are rather intimate, but in the spirit of joint womanly experiences, I’ll share them with you here.
I had this with Ethan and man it can be a serious pain in the ass. The difference this time, is that I feel like I’ve got a better handle on it. During my first pregnancy I was less concerned about natural remedies and was not only popping prescription antiacids like smarties, but I also had a large bottle of Gaviscon by my bedside that I glugged at every opportunity. This time, I decided to heed a friends advice and take a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar (with the mother), washed down with a few gulps of water. The initial feeling is, well… swallowing acid, but after 10 seconds, I swear it works better than Gaviscon ever did for me. I am a total convert. Gavin and I have also swapped sides of the bed so I can sleep comfortably on my left-hand side, which seriously helps the acid from bubbling up at night.
Pelvic Pain
For most of yesterday, I felt like someone had set about the inside of my pelvis with a hammer. If any of you have experienced pregnancy-related pelvic pain, you’ll understand my plight. But I copped on that the pain is massively worse when I do one of two things… Wear heels (even teeny teeny tiny ones) or sit down/walk for a large chunk of the day. So I’ve discarded all heeled shoes from my wardrobe for the next few months (it makes office dressing slightly tougher but worth it) and I’ve set several alarms on my phone to remind me to get up and stretch during the day. I’ve even found a few spots in my office that I can move my laptop to for a bit of a standing desk option. Variety in movement is key and I’m trying to listen to my body more.
I told you it would get glamorous. I hate constipation. I hate it more than having the runs. But unfortunately for me, it seems to go hand in hand with pregnancy. I’m terrified of the prospect of ending up with haemorrhoids (I know quite a few pregnant friends who have them) and so I’m doing everything in my power to stay ahem… regular. I guess everyone’s constitution is different, but for me, I’ve been relying on a few things. Namely porridge, green smoothies, sauerkraut and tons and tons of water. The greatest difference I find is hydration. If I don’t drink enough water, let’s just say that I end up binge drinking the stuff like crazy for the days following. (Then I forget again).
So there you have it. My second trimester… and likely more than you really wanted to know about it. Sending love to all of you going through your own conception journeys and pregnancies (sexy side effects included).
Appreciate the honesty! I find keeping a large jug of water on my desk very motivating – mine is 1.5L so I fill that, and a pint glass, each morning. So my basic daily consumption is right in front of me, mocking me with all it’s cool goodness.
An added side affect is that I need to go to the loo regularly so helps with the ‘keep moving’ thing too! My physio suggested sipping water throughout the day so your body can absorb it, rather than chugging a pint at home time
(guilty as charged)
Janet I am replying to you as I chug a jug of water! Must remember to sip.
This made me actually laugh out loud as I can completely relate to all of this – currently 20 weeks with my first. I’m ‘enjoying’ round ligament pain this week – have been doubled over on several occasions. I have an anterior placenta too and haven’t felt much movement so far, which makes the natural worrier in me go into overdrive. I’ve got my scan next week, so crossing fingers all is well. I’ve found little refresher or love heart sweets really helpful for heartburn too – have you tried those? Xx
Well a refresher or love heart sounds well more pleasant than drinking vinegar! Haha!
Best of luck with the scan, there’s nothing like seeing that wee squishy wriggler on the screen to set your mind at ease. xo
I had anterior placenta last time round and didn’t feel anything until after 20 week scan and E was never a huge mover so we ended up in hospital a few times for reduced movement checks. This time it’s at the back and completely different, felt kicks from around 14 weeks and have loads more movements. Try not to worry and you’ll find your pattern of movements that’s normal for you to feel
Just wanted to say, with my first baby I didn’t feel a thing until the evening after my 20 week scan (which I actually had at 22 weeks)… but with my second, I felt it as early as 16 weeks!! So it can definitely vary, try not to worry! x
I’m currently 28 weeks so enjoying following along with your story. This is my second pregnancy, 5 years after the first and man, am I feeling it so much more this time around. I sat on my bottom stair last night and had a little weep – heart burn, round ligament pain, difficulty getting a full breath and my general tree trunk silhouette (‘buh bye waistline, calves and ankles) all collided into one sh*t bomb of emotion. It didn’t last long thankfully, just needed to get it out : ) Looking forward to your next update Xx
I’m feeling it a lot more this time too! I weirdly thought my body might sink into it a bit better being second time around, but nope. Also Lou, I’ve had a few little weepy moments myself. I also made the mistake of wearing (c)ankle grazing jeans today. Not flattering.
I’m currently 19 weeks with my first and really looking forward to my scan. I also have an anterior placenta and a rather large bump and am getting frustrated at not feeling any flutters yet. Fingers crossed they come soon. Luckily i’ve had a breezy pregnancy since the very beginning but I can definitely sympathise with the constipation and the constant worrying!! Thanks for sharing your update x
Oh best of luck for the scan Sarah! I felt the movement much later this time around as well. The anterior placenta also stops other people being able to feel the kicks as early, so glad that Gavin and Ethan have finally had the chance. Looking forward to hearing your updates too!
Thanks for the heartburn tip Naomi! I too glugged gaviscon at night, so glad to hear of a natural alternative. Apple cider vinegar it is!
I also sympathise with the size comments – my automatic response this time (I am 22 weeks with my second) is… “I carry very big babies!” It generally gets a sympathetic smile. My first was not huge but still 8 lbs 15, although my tiny mum had me at 9 lbs 8 and my brother at almost 11lbs!! My husband is from a family of 6-foot-plusers so really, I find this is the best angle I have to prevent me from bursting into tears over comments about the general size of my body. Funny how we think we need to justify it…
Not sure about you, but this time I have struggled with maternity clothes. What on earth did I wear last time? I’ve dug out items from my previous pregnancy however I think a much higher starting weight (over a stone!) has severely affected my maternity fashion mojo. I ordered leggings and tights from H&M online but they don’t fit! And they’ve told me I cant return them as they are classed as non-returnable items. So frustrating and puts me off buying anymore. On that note – any maternity basics recommendations? I am usually a size 12-14 but struggling to pull off the fitted vest/dress and leggings combo I was so happy in last time X