Yesterday was titled “Blue Monday”, the one day in the year when folks are at their saddest. A combination of post-christmas come downs, freezing temperatures and nothing to look forward to creates a bleak outlook.

As you know we’re not a brand that want to dwell on negativity or focus on feeling shitty, only to potentially start everyone else’s day on the back foot with a generous dose of whinge and woe is me. And on the subject of feet, I can no longer see mine. At nearly 8 months pregnant I realised that a pedicure was an impossible task, it doesn’t matter what way I try and manoeuvre my legs, I cannot successfully reach my toes. *

Alas, I am unable to utilise my lush new nail polish but there is plenty of other cheer I have discovered (or have planned for) this month that I am going to share.

Bringing Back My Breakfast Smoothie. I had forgotten how quick this is to make, it sets me up for the day in terms of fuel/nutrition and I don’t feel the need to snack before lunchtime. My favourite combination of ingredients is a generous handful of spinach, a small banana, a handful of frozen raspberries, a satsuma/clementine and a sprinkling of almonds. I rate the KOKO unsweetened dairy free alternative to cow’s milk (it’s essentially filtered water and coconut milk) and I whizz it all up in my nutribullet in about 20 seconds.

Creating New Playlists. One of those things I never quite get round to doing but it’s so worth it when I make the effort. My husband bought me some new Sony wireless headphones for Christmas and they are amazing, noise cancelling and such good sound quality. I look forward to spending time in the gym just so I can listen to music, it’s a great way to completely switch off from work and the rest of the world.

Reading A Good Book (or two). I am determined to begin Zadie Smith’s “Swing Time” (another festive gift from Mr O’Shea) and I have been thoroughly enjoying flicking through Remodelista “The Organised Home“, SO many clever storage ideas. It’s making me want to utilise every available drawer and cupboard and have minimal clutter on display. I have recommended it to the entire team.

Re-discovering Accessories. I’m not sure if it’s a time thing what with rushed mornings juggling a 3 year old and an ever expanding baby bump but I haven’t worn any of my jewellery or trinkets for months. In fact, last year I must have worn a necklace only for special occasions. And yet I’m a verified magpie at heart, shiny delicate pretty things make me happy. I really don’t need to buy anything new as I don’t make the most of what I’ve got but this oui/non reversible bracelet is very tempting.

Going to Bed Earlier. James and I are terrible for faffing around in the evening. Before you know it it’s midnight and we’ve still not even cleaned our teeth. This second pregnancy has taught me not to take a comfortable nights sleep for granted. Heart burn, leg cramps and weird pinching pains in my hips make me look forward to the baby arriving so they can be alleviated – only to appreciate the baby may indeed have me up just as often for night feeds and nappy changing. I am thoroughly enjoying getting myself organised for shut eye much earlier than usual these past few weeks, sometimes I am in bed for half nine (half nine?!). Oh and a jersey nightshirt is my new best friend – I’ve just treated myself to this “Sunday Forever” one from H&M.

Sometimes it really is about making the effort to look after yourself that little bit more and remembering that small changes can really make a significant difference.

What is making you feel positive this January? Do you have any good books to recommend or smoothie recipes to share? Please do leave your thoughts in the comments box below.

*Just to confirm, obviously I can’t see my bikini line either but I did go and have that waxed within an inch of my life last weekend (or at least that’s what it bloody felt like). My feet may be calloused and shoddy but at least my bits are tidy. One step towards self care at a time and all that.

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