Until very recently (er, like, today) my morning routine went something like this. Wake up. Check the time on my phone. Check Instagram. Check Twitter. Check Facebook. Check emails. Drag myself out of bed. Head straight to the kitchen to get caffeinated, possibly tripping over a pair of shoes I left in the hall the previous night.

Not exactly the best start to the day I could give myself, it’s hardly surprising that I feel fuzzy and unfocussed until at least midway through my second cup of coffee.

I want to be one of those people who eases themselves into the day instead of kind of stumbling into it. Tomorrow being the longest day of the year I figure there couldn’t be a better day for me to start a new morning routine. All that extra time I’ll have, y’know. Here’s what it’s going to look like…

No phone

I’ve bought an alarm clock so that I don’t have to keep my phone in the bedroom and I’m not tempted to OD on social media before I’ve even really woken up. I’m predicting this is going to be the hardest change for me to make.


Before I roll out of bed I’m going to give myself a full body stretch, reaching my fingers towards the bedhead and pointing my toes towards the bottom of the bed, then I’ll hug my knees into my chest, like at the end of savasana in a yoga class, before stretching out again and then slowly getting up.


I’ve just started rereading The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron, a course to help you ‘discover and recover your creative self.’ One of the tools in the book is to commit to The Morning Pages, writing three pages of stream-of-consciousness thoughts first thing in the morning, a brain dump if you like, in order to clear your mind ready for the day ahead. I’ve already put a notebook and pen beside my bed ready for me to start scribbling first thing tomorrow.

Light a candle

I love that when I walk into the main room at my favourite yoga studio there are always candles burning and a lovely scent in the air. Instead of just using my candles as decoration I’m going to actually light them (I know, what madness!) allowing their soft light and gentle scent to add an atmosphere of calm to my flat.


Instead of mainlining coffee from the minute I wake up, I’m going to make my first drink of the day a mug of warm water with the juice of half a lemon. Pretty much every wellness guru recommends starting your day with this immune-system-boosting, pH-level-balancing, digestion-aiding drink. I’ve tried this before and didn’t love it, so this will be the second hardest thing to do.

Get outside

Then, weather allowing, I’ll go sit on my balcony with my water and lemon drink, sipping it slowly and breathing deeply as the world wakes up around me.

Roll out my yoga mat

Finally, and even if I’m planning to go to a yoga class later, I’ll do a few asanas to wake up my body. Some gentle stretches and twists, a forward fold, maybe even a couple of sun salutations. Then a final stretch and, after that, who knows, but how can I fail to have a good day after that start?!

What are your morning rituals? Do share below!

Images: Margaret Howell Spring 2011 campaign