Another day, another festive post from yours truly. Can you tell I’m just a bit excited about 25 December?!

Today I’m rounding up all the loveliest colourful stockings that have caught my eye. Rich got rather excited when I mentioned a post about stockings as he assumed I was talking about the lingerie variety. Sorry Rich. However these little beauties will look a lot nicer strung from our mantlepiece…

  • The Suzani stockings from Anthropolgie in red or blue are so beautifully designed and hand crafted that I would almost want to frame them and keep them on display all year.
  • Last year I bought Lyra a grey polar bear stocking from Paperchase which you might have seen on my Instagram. Paperchase don’t seem to be stocking them this year (no pun intended) but they do have this statement fluro Aztec stocking. Love the neon pink detailing.
  • These ones from Notonthehighstreet caught my eye because of the rows of pom poms around the top, and the unusual cut-out font.
  • Coco and Wolf sell the most beautiful stockings, hence me including two in this round up. Both feature iconic Liberty prints and what I like most about them is the fact that they are super roomy.
  • I love the chunkiness of these stripy hand knitted stockings from Notonthehighstreet. A classic Christmas style.

And the bargain of the bunch? This pink and grey stocking from The Range. It’s under two quid at the moment. I think it would fit perfectly in to the grey, pink and gold Christmassy home tour that we featured this week. And if you are after even more inspiration then Lottie recently rounded up all her favourite stockings over on Rock My Family.

  • Paperchase Stocking
  • Anthropologie Stocking
  • NOTHS Stocking
  • Coco & Wolf Stocking
  • NOTHS Stocking
  • Coco & Wolf Stocking