I can imagine many of you who have been eagerly anticipating this feature based on my hints from last weeks beauty post have seen the image above and been a little bit disappointed. Yes, this is one of the least glamorous tubes you could possibly have gracing your bathroom shelves, I won’t try and dress it up – it is what it is.

My wonder product of the moment is Lansinoh HPA Lanolin. Mostly intended for sore nips whilst breast feeding but turns out is really really effective at soothing all sorts of sore and cracked skin complaints. I’d initially trialled it on my (tragic winter chapped) lips, and although I still use my beloved Chanel underneath lipstick NOTHING beats this magic goop at softening flakes and relieving dryness. I put it on before bed and in the morning it is like magic happened, it stays on well too.

After such a win with my pout (and absolutely zero irritation whatsoever) I decided to dab a bit on my under eye area – I was so fed up of my concealer cracking and emphasising fine lines that I didn’t even know I had, no matter how much eye cream I applied. It worked a treat.

No, I wouldn’t recommend wearing it underneath make-up or indeed putting it any where near your actual eyeball but a smidgen tapped onto flaky patches makes miracles happen. Well, it does for me anyway.

Mabel has been suffering with cold after cold recently and her tiny nose is constantly red and raw, I dabbed a bit of the Lansinoh lanolin on and the next morning her skin had retained it’s usual clear fair hue. I now use it for practically everything, from eczema on my hands (I have it underneath my engagement and wedding rings and it itches like hell…) to cracked heels. The other day I even rubbed some into the apples of my cheeks after my evening shower as they were looking rather dehydrated and wind-destroyed. And guess what? Yep, voila! plumped up and ready for non-patchy blusher application.

I like to think of it as an all purpose salve only without the numerous (possibly unnecessary) ingredients often added to salves that break me out in a rash.

As with any skincare make sure you do a patch test first, this obviously is not going to be appropriate for anyone allergic to lanolin. And if the packaging really bothers you, you could always decant some into a far prettier jar (Mabel has some in those clear screw top travel versions from Boots to take to nursery for her aforementioned rudolph-esque conk).

Talking of Boots, that’s where I bought mine. You can buy one too for the grand total of £10.49.

Some of you may already have a tube so do let me know what you think, and if you are inspired to (or do already) use it as an all purpose magic balm as it were. Please feel free to make any alternative slave/balm type suggestions in the comments box below.