For the most part I’m pretty happy I turned 20 in the mid 90s, as opposed to the mid-noughties, or the mid whatever we’re calling this decade.

I went to the Haçienda when it was still a club, left university with minimal debt, and started working at a time when the magazine industry was reasonably buoyant, getting a job on a new launch after three months of work experience. So, all good, right? There’s just one teeny tiny not-really-that-important thing that I’d change, given the chance…

Like everyone (female) in the 1990s Kate Moss was my style icon. Thanks to La Moss I doused myself liberally in cK one on a daily basis (which it turns out you can still buy, here – definitely going to have a down-memory-lane sniff next time I’m in a department store), sported Adidas Gazelles with floor-grazing dresses and, to my regret, plucked my eyebrows into oblivion.

Throughout the noughties, as well as plucking my brows, I tried having them threaded (made my eyes water and hurt so much I had to have regular breaks during each session) and waxed (ditto plus made the area surrounding my brows an angry shade of red that lasted well into the next day – for reals).

Everyone else was so busy plucking/waxing/threading their brows too we didn’t realise that, for the most part, they looked better in their natural state, with just minimimal tidying. Then Cara Delevigne turned up and natural-albeit-groomed brows became, more than acceptable, actually coveted (see the My Burberry fragrance campaign featuring Kate and Cara above for evidence of the 90s brow versus the natural brow). But it turns out that after years of plucking, threading and waxing brows don’t grow back. Believe me, I’ve been trying.

So what’s a girl who’d like a better brow to do? I’ve heard of products that encourage growth. Beauty sites recommend using brow gels and liners. I’ve had my lashes dyed pre-holiday in the past and I know brow dying is a thing but I remember reading a feature in which a make-up artist said don’t do it, because it was aging, I think. There are so many more beauty treatments and procedures now-a-days that I’m honestly very curious about. I want to try anal bleaching for example but I don’t know, is it safe to anal bleach? I have no one to ask! No one but you lovelies.

I need help. What’s your brow maintenance regime? Have you used, and would you recommend, any of the products that promote growth? And what are your make-up must-haves when it comes to your brows? Or any other beauty tricks a 90’s girl like me needs to know? Do leave a comment below. My brows need you!