A couple of weeks back I came across a Cushion Of Dreams in a cute little shop in the Cotswolds. The only stumbling block was the price tag. Fifty odd quid? I just couldn’t justify it. So I thought I’d try my hand at replicating it using a cheap-as-chips linen cushion from H&M.

I’m pretty chuffed with the finished result (it’s currently being used in my lounge but it’s also perfect to be chucked from said lounge onto the outdoor seating area on our patio on sunshiney days as, being a light colour, it doesn’t get too hot in the sun), so I thought I’d share with you.

(If you’re not into DIY, or you just want your daily enabling fix, feel free to skip straight to the Shop The Post at the bottom of this post where I’ve rounded up six cushions for £20 and under. Including the CIAO which is another Cushion Of Dreams – you can see it in Jenson’s room here – and a bargain version of our M&S pom pom fave).

What You Will Need

A plain linen cushion
A black Sharpie*
A piece of card
A piece of A4 paper
Sewing pins

*I couldn’t find the Soeno household’s black Sharpie. We seem to have every other colour under the sun, but I didn’t think a cushion with a purple star would have quite the same effect. So I used a laundry marker pen. I’m sure any black permanent marker would do the trick though.

Step 1

Print off a black star outline onto your paper. You might need to try a couple of different star sizes to make sure the proportions look right. If you’re handy with a pen then you can probably draw the star yourself but I personally have never been able to master the art of drawing five pointed stars!

Step 2

Cut out the star.

Step 3

Stick the star onto your card. Draw around the edges of the paper star so that you have the outline of a star to cut out of the card.

Step 4

Cut the outline of the star out of the card so you have a star template.

Step 5

Place the template in the centre of the cushion and once you’re happy, pin it into position. Now comes the fun bit. The colouring-in!

Ta da! One quirky cushion that looks a million dollars but only cost you the price of a linen cushion and a Sharpie.

Has anyone else seen any beaut cushions that they’d like to throw into the mix? Where’s your go-to shop for cushions? I tend to flit between John Lewis, H&M and Oliver Bonas. Asda do the odd great buy and Urban Outfitters always have some gorgeous unusual designs but I’m yet to buy from there. Anyone an Aldi cushion fan? SORRY for all the cushion talk, can you tell I have a passion for cushions?!

  • Next, £12
  • Next, £14
  • Matalan, £12
  • John Lewis, £14
  • Urban Outfitters, £20
  • H&M, £6.99