Mabel is easily bored. Her 3 second attention span to any activity seems to have happened literally over night (although I believe it started as soon as she learnt to crawl at the speed of light and more recently stand up AT EVERY OPPORTUNITY). And probably for the first time since she arrived, I am well and truly out of answers and to be honest, energy.

Mabel as I’m sure I’ve mentioned on numerous occasions is a happy, sunny little girl. If we’re out and about she’s delighted – anywhere will do. She loves nothing more than to absorb a new environment and people watch (she’ll often wave and smile at complete strangers, My Mabel certainly knows how to work a crowd…) but at home it’s become an entirely different story.

We play peekaboo, we sing nursery rhymes, we make a right ruddy racket on her very own mini orchestra complete with drum, xylephone and tambourine. We play fetch the ball, we fit brightly coloured plastic shapes into their rightful places, we dance to the various tunes on her vast array of battery operated musical baby laptops/pianos/pull along telephones….and there lies the problem. All of these toys and she just seems disinterested after what feels like no time at all. And as much as I love my daughter to the ends of the earth and beyond, it would be nice for her just to sit down and be entertained by something for ten minutes rather than just her Daddy or I. Even if it’s just so I can put the washing on, make a cup of tea or heaven forbid, actually get the opportunity to check my emails.

I think I may have been very spoilt in the last twelve months. Mabel would sit in her Bumbo and later her highchair and be more than happy to bash a wooden spoon or watch In The Night Garden. She would sit on her playmat and laugh her head off at anything that squeaked or rattled, be more than content to take things out of a draw and put them back in again…..but no, not anymore. There have been tears and tantrums even attempting to get her in her highchair.

What the hell happened?! Is it simply because she is more mobile she wants to do more?

James is going away soon on a ski trip with friends and I could really do with some advice and suggestions on what might entertain Mabel at home whilst it’s just us, are there any stimulating wonder products your littles particularly love?

The main issue is that I literally can’t take my eyes off her at the moment, she is so strong willed and fearless – as much as we’ve child proofed the house a fall is a fall. Do any of you have a playpen? And if so which brand/model? I’m thinking it might be an option particularly for the kitchen whilst I’m preparing meals and whatnot.

If you could share your experiences and recommendations in the comments section it would be massively appreciated!

Thanks a million in advance folks.