How’s your garden looking at the moment? I get so flipping exciting when I see the daffodils and crocuses sprouting up and the blossom emerging. Buying tulips always signifies longer and warmer days are just around the corner so it’s so satisfying to be able to pick them up when you buy a pint of milk. Don’t even get me started on the ranunculus in M&S. Utterly divine.
With seasonal supermarket flowers in mind, we were really pleased to be approached by Pink Lady® Apples recently to collaborate on Mother’s Day posy tutorial. Can you believe the lovely Lolly crafted the gorgeous blooms above using florals you can pick up in your weekly shop? Do nip on over to their site to see the full tutorial. You’ll see how we used five bunches of supermarket flowers (with roses and tulips costing a few quid each) and lots of foliage and herbs picked from the garden to create an arrangement that looks a million dollars.
Have a wonderful weekend and do let me know what gorgeous blooms you’ve been picking up with your loaf of bread.
This post is sponsored by Pink Lady® Apples
I have a real sweet spot for flowers that look like peonies so ranuncular season certainly brings me happiness. I first fell in love with them in Paris where the streetside shops were bursting with bouquets of these perky flowers. I went to my local flower shop friday to pick some up but their main order wasnt in yet, so made my own combo with a few straggling white ones and some roses that looked an awful lot like ranunculars. Now my focus is how to plant my garden so that i have cut flowers available most of the year. Sarah Raven is tempting me?