I was concerned about the possible negative medium to long term effects pregnancy would have on my body. I’m sure I’m not alone when I make that statement and I don’t want anyone to think I was more concerned about gaining too much weight than I was the health of my baby, I wasn’t.

When it came down to it, as I mentioned in my maternity fashion post – I didn’t weigh myself the entire 7 months from when I discovered I was actually pregnant. I’d heard a gain of 2 stone (28lbs/12.5kg) was to be expected. This sounded like a lot if I’m honest, that was until I became more educated in the numerous changes you go through in order to grow a human (please see the grey box on the right) and then it didn’t seem quite so overwhelming, if anything 2 stone doesn’t give you much room for kitkats and cake does it?

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I exercised throughout the nine months, a mixture of pilates and the Tracy Anderson workout DVD. Exercising makes me feel good, not just the obvious release of endorphins but the fact I like to feel fit and strong, I was creating a person after all, I wanted to make sure my body was equipped to do just that. I weighed myself at 39 weeks on the morning I was due in hospital (I had an elective C-section due to a pre-existing condition and a prior operation that could cause complications for both my baby and I should I opt for a natural birth) and I had gained 24lbs. I assume had I gone full term then I would have been nearer the 28lbs as estimated/expected.

Due to the c-section I have been unable to drive or work out until my 6 week sign off which was last Thursday, I waited until this point to weigh myself again and see how much I have to “lose”, I am 10lbs more than than what I would like according to the scales. I thought I would be more bothered by this but I’m not. I thought I would stand in front of the mirror in my underwear and be upset by my reflection, I’m not. I’m not about to don a bikini anytime soon but the weight aspect or even the change in my over all shape (for the first few weeks I seriously couldn’t imagine how on earth all that extra torso skin would ever go back to the way it once was) although not exactly filling me with joy, pales into insignificance in comparison to how seriously impressed I am at how my body has coped with producing my beautiful, healthy daughter.

I completed my first post pregnancy pilates class Thursday evening (nothing like throwing yourself right back erm.. into it) and it was tough, I couldn’t manage half the things I could do easily only a few months ago. This didn’t come as a shock, my doctor had recommended I take it very easy and stop if I felt even the slightest bit uncomfortable. But my goodness I enjoyed it. It’s like I have this whole new found respect for my body, I want to look after it better that ever before, not so that I can feel confident in the aforementioned swimwear but because I owe it. As a result I’m re-thinking the amount of refined sugar and general rubbish I shove into it most days (I could never deny myself, nor should I but I have a serious “treat” issue). And yes I’d be lying if I didn’t admit to considering the timescales in which I want to be able to wear my “usual” wardrobe but I understand and respect the fact I’ve got to give it time to heal.

I guess the purpose of this post is to say it wasn’t as bad as I’d expected and that although vanity will undoubtedly play a part in my recovery it’s come as a pleasant surprise that for the most part, I have never felt more comfortable in my own strong (and at this point quite stretched!) skin. I’m even quite fond of my scar – it makes me feel like I’ve got the war wound to prove I won the battle.

As always do share your own experiences and thoughts, and if any of you can recommend some discreet but hard working undergarment type shape wear it would be much appreciated.


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{Weight Gain Facts}

Baby: 7.3lbs
Placenta: 1.5lbs
Amniotic Fluid: 1.8lbs
Uterus Muscle Growth: 2lbs
Blood Volume: 2.6lbs
Extra Fluid: 2.6lbs
Breast Tissue/Fat storage for breast feeding: 9.1lb

Information is provided by The Baby Centre and is an expected estimation.
