The other day I found myself in a funk. There was no particular reason for this state of affairs, nothing bad had happened and I wasn’t into the mean reds territory. But still, I wanted nothing more than to curl up under my duvet and, hopefully, when I woke up everything would seem better. However it was late on a Monday afternoon, there were things that needed to be done and I couldn’t take to my bed like the heroine of some Victorian novel.

Then I thought back over the last ten hours or so. Apart from popping to the coffee shop round the corner to get my regular kick-start-my-morning cappuccino I hadn’t been outside, done any exercise or had any human contact all day. And it’s debatable whether the ten-minute trip to the coffee shop counts as exercise or if my interaction with the barista could be said to be human contact. Our conversation is pretty much the same every day. “Cappuccino?” he asks. “Yes,” I reply. He makes it, takes my money, hands over my caffeine hit and says, “Have a nice day,” and I reply, “You too.” I have tried to go off script in the past but he always looks a bit alarmed. I’d barely left my desk all day. It was hardly surprising that my mood was less than happy.

I immediately booked myself into an evening yoga class which ticked off exercise, human contact and getting me outside and always boosts my mood (as my friend Julia says, “You never feel worse after a yoga class,” – it’s true). To cheer myself up ahead of the class, even though it was tempting to load up on comfort food, I made myself a healthy snack, called my sister for a chat and played Crystal Castles loud. I should apologise to my neighbours at this point, but I find shouting along to Baptism played at call-the-noise-police levels a surprisingly effective mood booster.

Several hours later and my mood had significantly improved and I woke up the next morning feeling happy and full of energy. So it seems that healthy food, a good old natter, getting outside, yoga and Alice Glass played at ear-splitting volume have the power to turn around a bad mood for me. What works for you? How do you pull yourself out of a bad mood? Do share below!